What can happen if pulmonary embolism is not treated?


What can happen if pulmonary embolism is not treated?

Low blood pressure, shock and death

More blood clots

A condition known as chronic pulmonary embolism – leading to high blood pressure in the lungs with long-term breathing issues and exercise intolerance.

Life After a Blood Clot

Life goes on after you have been diagnosed with a blood clot

It is important to work with your health care team towards a full recovery

Reduce your risk of further blood clots

  • Stay active and get out of bed as soon as possible after surgery or illness
  • Take blood thinning medications as prescribed
  • Follow up with your health care team on a regular basis and make sure you bring a list of questions that you may have
  • Know the signs of symptoms of blood clots and get immediate medical attention if you have any
  • Don’t smoke